Using the display with various optional sensors, based on their functionality, it is possible to display such indicators as the current angle of inclination from the DU-BLE sensor, temperature and humidity from the TH-BLE sensor with an accuracy of a tenth of a second.
- New, improved case;
- RS-232 and BLE interfaces are supported in addition to the usual RS-485
- одновременно возможно подключение до 10 датчиков
- Up to 10 sensors can be connected at the same time
- Displaying up to 10 different screens, ability to switch between them with a simple press of the touch button
- Both wired and wireless sensors can be connected to the device
- Setting up with a special mobile app
How useful is this device?
Allows you to quickly monitor the actual angle of inclination on special equipment , thereby ensuring safety when working on it.
Minimizes risks when transporting cargo due to the possibility of controlling the temperature in the refrigerator at any time.
Fuel control in the absence of the standard sensor or in case of its failure: on diesel locomotives, stationary tanks.
Improve field processing and increase the crop capacity of the fields.