On 18th August of 2018 Escort specialists arrived to Minsk (Belarus Republic) in order to participate in an annual Gurtam Partner Conference. The conference gathered a significant number of participants - 180 specialists from around the world.
At our booth we presented our latest developments: wireless fuel level sensor «Escort BLE» and thermosensor «Escort BTR».
The presentation called “Going Wireless! Bluetooth Trends in Telematics” made by technical dept representative Ramil Ibragimov has triggered special interest of the public. There are some undeniable advantages in usage of BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) technology in fuel monitoring systems. Absence of cables would save valuable installation time along with impossibility of acts of vandalism (such as cutting the cables) and accidental cable damage, due to harsh work conditions. In addition, Ramil has presented new iOS and Android sensor set up applications which Escort is planning to release soon. The full video of presentation, results of sensors testings as well as Q&A session available at the link below.
In conclusion Escort representatives made new acquaintances, shared the experience and ideas with our old partners.